Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Pinewood Derby!

Jack had the Pinewood Derby with his Cub Scout pack yesterday. He and Tim had worked to build the car- "Orange Lightening"- and finally got to race it yesterday. We all went to watch and it was really cute. With the money the pack made from their popcorn sales they bought this really cool computer program to run the race. Each car got to run in each lane once and there were inferred sensors that determined the winners. Jack ended upcoming in second for his den (1st grade)! He got to go the the grand finals against all of the other grades. He was very excited and had a great time. He got a cool trophy and now he gets to go to the district races. Here are some pictures from the day!

Orange Lightening is second from the left.

It is hard to read but this screen shows the top three from Jack's den- he came in second!

Will loved it and was a great brother cheering Jack on.

All three boys at the bottom of the track waiting for a race.

Jack and Daddy!

The trophy and patch! (Will is soooo excited for Jack!)

At home showing off his trophy and car.

Orange Lightening! (the yellow sticker had his number on it)

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