Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Spring Blizzard...

Well we finally got some snow! It has been a crazy dry winter and we haven't had any good storms until now. School was cancelled Thursday and Friday. We probably got a little over a foot of snow and there were blizzard conditions on Thursday. The kids and I were soooo excited. Here are some pics of the kids out in the snow. They weren't able to stay out too long because the wind was just crazy but they made the most of it!

The three boys!

Andrew making a snow angel!

Jack "eating" the snow.

Back inside for some hot chocolate!

Hailey just chilling out in her swing by the window watching the boys! She was having a wild hair day! She is wearing her cupcake shirt- she is two months old today!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How cute...

Hailey is getting bigger by the day. Here are a few cute pics!

Looking so cute and stylish in her jeans, cute shirt, and bow in her hair!

Sleeping with Daddy! Look at her little arm around him!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Pinewood Derby!

Jack had the Pinewood Derby with his Cub Scout pack yesterday. He and Tim had worked to build the car- "Orange Lightening"- and finally got to race it yesterday. We all went to watch and it was really cute. With the money the pack made from their popcorn sales they bought this really cool computer program to run the race. Each car got to run in each lane once and there were inferred sensors that determined the winners. Jack ended upcoming in second for his den (1st grade)! He got to go the the grand finals against all of the other grades. He was very excited and had a great time. He got a cool trophy and now he gets to go to the district races. Here are some pictures from the day!

Orange Lightening is second from the left.

It is hard to read but this screen shows the top three from Jack's den- he came in second!

Will loved it and was a great brother cheering Jack on.

All three boys at the bottom of the track waiting for a race.

Jack and Daddy!

The trophy and patch! (Will is soooo excited for Jack!)

At home showing off his trophy and car.

Orange Lightening! (the yellow sticker had his number on it)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How cute....

Okay so I tried this little bow clip in Hailey's hair today! Her hair is so thin that it slides a little but it is too cute. Here are a few pics-

Will's party...finally!

Poor Will just had his birthday party last Thursday! It's hard with his birthday two days before Christmas, then January was crazy with baby stuff, and than February was busy with Hailey herself! He was very sweet and patient though. He wanted to go to Monkey Buziness so that's where we had his party. He had a great time. His entire class was there as well as some friends from the neighborhood. I don't actually have any pictures of him jumping around at the party because he was constantly on the move. He really wanted a Star Wars cake which no makes so he had to settle for Spiderman. All in all he had a great party! Here are some pictures!

Spidey vs Sandman
Blowing out the candles

Will with Colin & Andrew
Will on sugar....

A sweet picture of Will and a cross-eyed Hailey!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Some cute pics!

Just have a few cute pictures to share! While most of our family and friends- especially on the East coast- have been dealing with the cold and snow this week, it has been 75 here for the last few days and will be again today! I was able to try out a few of Hailey's short sleeve outfits- how fun! Love the hat- thanks Beth!

Andrew was able to help give Hailey a bottle the other night. He took a late nap and was up much later than normal. It just happened to be one of Hailey's bottle nights- he loved it!

A cute picture of Daddy and his baby girl!

Monday, March 2, 2009

A fun weekend...

It took four weeks and two days but Hailey's cord finally fell off! She had her first official bath last Wednesday! She was really happy for awhile until the soap started to sting her little diaper rash and then it was a mad dash to get her rinsed and out. We gave her another bath this weekend that was better but she got mad about being cold and things went downhill again! We'll keep trying!

We had such a fun weekend. Gmom and Gpop came on Thursday afternoon. On Friday we had planned to go to the zoo but it was just too cold so we went to the Museum of Science and Nature. We have talked about going but had never made it there. The boys loved the dinosaurs and animal exhibits. We got a family pass for the year because there was just way too much to see in a few hours. On Saturday, Gmom and Gpop drove up to Longmont early to visit with Matthew and Callie while the boys went to swimming lessons. We drove up in the afternoon and had a fun dinner with everyone.

Andrew riding on a llama at the museum.

Uncle Nate was the only one who could quiet Hailey down!
All of the Fete grandkids- except for Johnny!

Andrew goofing around with Uncle Matt.
Gmom and Hailey!

Gpop and Hailey

Gmom and the crazy boys!

Gmom and Gpop left yesterday to fly home. Tim took Jack and Will skiing yesterday while I hung out with the little ones. I took Andrew and Hailey to the zoo for a little while which was lots of fun. Andrew thought it was great to be able to decide what we saw and did! He liked that he got to be there on Hailey's first trip to the zoo.

Andrew loving being at the zoo with just Mommy and Hailey!

A orangutan looking at Andrew!

Riding on the dolphin on the carousel!

Hailey getting fussy on the way out of the zoo!