Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A family affair!

Here are some pictures from the other night. Hailey gets a bottle about every other night from Daddy. We have started putting her to bed earlier and cutting out a late nap. The boys were awake for this bottle and they all wanted to help- poor Hailey!

Andrew's turn!

Now Will!

And Jack broke out the Boppy so he could do it all my himself!

Here are a few cute pics from last week when it was hot-some cute summer baby girl clothes! Hailey started laughing about 2 weeks ago which the boys absolutely love! So cute!

Such a cute skirt!

Cracking herself up and trying to still eat her hand!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Some Will time......

Well Will is done with preschool! He is now a kindergartener and couldn't be more excited about it. He and Andrew both finished up school last week. Will's last week of school was busy with a spring program and a class picnic at the park. The program was too cute. The theme was the Wild West and they sang some really cute songs. Here are some pictures:

Will is second from the left!

Will standing next to "Will" in the hallway at school. He painted it himself!

Will and Jack both wrapped up their soccer seasons about 2 weeks ago and are now onto baseball- 5 days a week between the two of them! Will had his soccer party last week too. He got a trophy-his first-which was wonderfully exciting for him!

Will's soccer team the "Jedi's"! (Will is in the front row middle)

Will and his coach and of course the trophy!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A crazy weekend....

We have had a busy week. The weather was so nice and warm last week- Hailey wore her first pair of shorts. Too cute!

My parents came into town last Thursday. They were able to go see Jack's spring music concert that night. What a hoot! Jack is in the middle with the green shirt on. The theme was Carnival of the Animals- Jack was a frog!

Tim's parents got in on Friday but stayed with Tim's brother. They came down on Saturday to watch the boys last soccer games. I forgot my camera so I'll have to add some pictures later!

We had Hailey's baptism on Sunday. We had a nice brunch Sunday morning before the baptism. The baptism was great although Hailey decided to sleep through a lot of it! Her godparents, Tim's sister Nicki and our wonderful college friend James, weren't able to come so Matt and Beth stood in for them! We weren't really able to celebrate Mother's Day with a house full of people so Tim and the kids decided to celebrate it this Sunday- no arguments from me!

Andrew dressed up as a fireman. He and Callie ran around the house pretending to drive the firetruck.

All dressed and ready to go....

Daddy and his baby girl!

Andrew is on the left just watching the whole thing!

Out cold!

A family picture!

Gmom and Gpop and their Colorado grandkids.

The Fete kids!

Three generations!

Hailey hanging out with Gpop!

Kisses from Jack!

And Gmom!

We did have a little drama on Saturday when my Dad ended up in the hospital with a very large blood clot in his leg. He spent the night Saturday and was able to come home on Sunday. He did end up back at the er on Monday night when he started running a fever but they said that he was okay and could still fly home on Tuesday. He made it home just fine and we are very thankful that everything turned out okay.