Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jack's First Communion!

Jack made his First Communion yesterday. He looked so grown up and handsome in his suit! He did a great job and didn't seem too nervous. Tim and I got to go up to Communion with his so it was really special. We had a little get together after with Matt, Beth, Matthew, and Callie.

All ready to go!

Proceeding in and genuflecting!

He found us! All smiles!

Group picture after..Jack is in the center!

The whole group from this mass (there were 4 masses total!!)

No one told her there would be cake at the reception....she is in a sugar coma!

A family picture!

Mom and Dad with Jack!

The sun finally came out on the way out of church!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We were at Tim's parents for Easter this year. The kids had a great time decorating eggs- it was very serious work!

We had an egg hunt that the kids loved. They loved finding all of the candy and even money that the Easter Bunny left in some of the eggs!
Someone clearly had a powdered donut during the egg hunt!

Off to look for eggs....

Found one!

The boys and their loot!

Hailey and her new ball from the EB!

Jack and his new Cardinal Matt Holliday shirt!

Hailey and her new books!

Will and his new Cardinal shirt!

Happy Easter!

Trip to STL...

At the end of spring break, we traveled to Tim's parent's house in Columbia,MO. We were heading back for a jack and jill wedding shower for Tim's brother Chris and fiance Erin. When we arrived on Thursday, Tim's sisten Nicki was there with Johnny and then Chris came up later that evening. Unfortunately a stomach bug kept Tim, Hailey, and I from ever making it to the shower so were are so glad that Nicki and Chris made the trip to Columbia to see us.

Hailey and Johnny playing together

So fun!

Jack and Johnny hanging out with Gpop!

Hailey with her Carolina shirt and Gpop with his Dayton hat...unfortunately the Tar Heels lost!

So sweet!

Cheers with Gpop!

Hugs from Gmom!

Off to the park!

Will took Hailey on her first trip down the slide!

Hailey and Johnny on the swings!

She just loves the swings....

My sweet Jack

The princess giving mommy her "stink eye"!

She does not like the grass!

Sweet little Andrew!

Tim & Johnny doing a little reading!