Friday, April 24, 2009

The cake and some cute pictures....

I had to put this picture up- the boys are proud. They decorated my birthday cake last weekend all by themselves. They used Valentine's sprinkles and Easter M&M's....yummmmm!

Here are a couple of pictures of Hailey. She is just growing so quickly. She will be three months old this weekend! At two months she weighed in at 12lbs and 8oz and was 24 inches long. She is smiling, cooing and talking a little, playing with the animals that hang from her playmat, and loving her big brothers. She had her first ear infection a few weeks ago which was great fun. She went back in yesterday to have that rechecked and now weighs 13 lbs and 2oz!! I thought for sure she had another ear infection because she has been just miserable and not sleeping this week. The doctor said her ears are fine though and that she probably is just starting with a cold. Lovely. We tried to take her for her 3 month pictures this morning but she was just not having any of that. We even took a break and let her sleep for an hour. Still nothing. She just is not feeling right. We will try the pictures again next week! She was just not her usual smiley self.

Busy weekend of soccer here. Both boys have a game Saturday and Sunday. We have had such great weather all week but now it is going to get cooler with some rain for the weekend of course! I will post some soccer pictures soon!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A crazy week....

It has been quite a week here. On Monday the drain in the basement backed up and we ended up with water in the newly finished basement!! Fortunately, it only affected a section in front of the utility closet. We had a plumber here at 10:00 Monday night and he was able to clear the pipe. Our friend Matt came over and helped Tim pull up the carpet and with the help of his giant industrial fan we were able to get everything dried out. Someone is coming out next week to replace the pad and relay the carpet. Oh fun!

On Thursday we had the two giant pine trees in the front taken down. The roots from those trees are to blame for the backup of the drain! We had already had scheduled the trees to come down but it couldn't have come at a better time! The yard looks so bare but so much better. You can actually see the house now!

It started raining on Thursday which was followed yesterday by a morning of light snow and then crazy heavy snow in the afternoon and evening. It is still snowing out there.....ugh. We have at least a foot of very heavy, wet snow. The trees everywhere are just about hanging to the ground. Tim and I were able to get out for our date night last night. Matt and Karina had offered to watch all four kids so that Tim and I could go out to dinner for my b-day. The dining room of the restaurant was closed but we were able to eat in the bar. It actually was really nice because there weren't many people there! Hopefully it stops snowing soon! At least we know that it is going to warm up quick this week with temps near 80 by Thursday- that's Colorado for you!

The pine tree is bent so far that it is touching the hot tub!

Here are a few cute pics of Hailey. She is wearing a dress that my Aunt Marcia gave to me when I was born. It is really cool to see my little girl wearing it too!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!!!

Happy Easter everyone!! Hope that everyone is having a great day! We have a cool, rainy day here so we are staying inside. The boys woke up bright and early and came to let us know that the Easter Bunny did in fact come- and he left them a note! The Easter Bunny hid lots of different sizes of eggs and wanted to make sure that Jack and Will knew to let Andrew find the bigger ones! They had fun playing with their baskets and looking for eggs. We had a nice breakfast and then went to church. Now we are just hanging out. The boys are watching the Tom & Jerry movies that the Easter Bunny brought and Tim is working on the kitchen cabinets. Andrew is sick with a fever, cough etc so he just laying down and feeling pretty miserable! We are going to have dinner later with a bunny cake that I am making with the boys for dessert! Here are some pictures from our day- there are a lot of Hailey- she was so happy and is just changing so much!

The boys and I dyed some eggs last night while Daddy was at his hockey game!

Andrew with his new R2D2 and M&M's that the Easter Bunny brought- notice the chocolate already on his face!

One cool baby girl! The Easter Bunny brought Hailey some sunglasses!!

Will showing the note from the Easter Bunny- very serious!!
All the kiddos after church (Hailey is hungry and not happy about this!!!)
The princess after a snack!!

Trying to get a picture of a smile!

So sweet and happy now!

Still trying to get that smile....

Sticking her tongue out at me with a smirk but still no smile!

Look at my big blue eyes!!!

Will getting in on the photo session too- so happy!!